Edinburgh tourist tax would see extra £2 charge per night

Author: Hope WebbPublished 25th Sep 2018

Edinburgh Council has revealed the details in its plans for a tourist tax.

It would involve a charge of £2 per night on tourists staying in the capital and would be enforced year-round. It would also apply to Airbnb properties.

It's expected that it put in to place it would generate £11m annually.

A public consultation on the proposal will take place before the local authority takes it to the Scottish Goverment.

Council Leader Adam McVey said: "I think we need it because our city needs the additional revenue to invest in the success that our tourism industry has become. If we are not in a position to raise that revenue then we have to make difficult choices, more difficult choices, as a city about whether we continue to sustain that level of investment against other core services like health and social care or education.

"The vast majority of residents unsurprisingly support a tourism levy, probably more surprisingly the majority of tourists support it. Only a small number of visitors say it would have an impact on their decision to come back."