Edinburgh protest sees thousands of Scots say 'Dump Trump'

Thousands of anti-Trump campaigners have marched through Edinburgh for a national demonstration on the third day of protests against the US president's visit to the UK.

Published 14th Jul 2018
Last updated 14th Jul 2018

Crowds gathered outside the Scottish Parliament before setting off for the city's meadows area for a Carnival of Resistance event, where the 20ft Trump baby balloon was flown.

Organisers said 60,000 people took part in the day's events in the capital, however Police Scotland estimated the figure to be 9,000.

Many carried placards with messages including 'Dump Trump', 'Love Trumps Hate', while others brought signs with messages for the American leader, including 'Tweet off Twitter twit' and 'Bolt ya rocket'.

Some protesters dressed up for the occasion, with one couple adorning Mexican-themed costumes and carrying a donkey pinata named 'Donald', while others dressed as caricature versions of Mr Trump himself.

Before leaving Parliament, those attending listened to speeches from politicians including Liberal Democrat MP Christine Jardine, Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard, SNP MP Tommy Sheppard and Greens MSP Alison Johnstone.

Mr Leonard told the crowd: 'We are here today standing shoulder to shoulder, all parties and none, all faiths and none, standing together in this capital to send a message out to the world that Scotland stands united against Trump.

'Donald Trump is not welcome here. The horrific scenes at the Mexican border are just the latest example of his repudiation of decent human values. Caging children like animals is barbaric and we simply cannot roll out the red carpet for a US president who treats people that way.

'These demonstrations are not simply just about the politics of Donald Trump, it is about his moral values as well.'

Mr Sheppard said Mr Trump is now the 'international cheerleader for bigotry, intolerance and prejudice throughout the world'.

He added: 'We need to stand up, and those values and that glib sincere method of delivering them hold no place in 21st century-Scotland.'

Those gathered at the meadows heard speeches from campaigners punctuated by live music, while the Trump baby inflatable - depicting the US president as a nappy-clad baby holding a mobile phone - was flown in the background.

Kirsty Haigh, an activist with Scotland United Against Trump and one of the organisers of the demonstration, said: 'When it became clear that he (Mr Trump) was coming here, it just made sense that we had to get out on the streets and we had to make it known to him loud and clear that we don't welcome him.

'But also to send a big message of solidarity and hope back to the people of America, back to the people who have been affected by his politics, saying we'll support you, we'll stand with you and we'll stand up against his abhorrent politics.'

She said the turnout for the events in Edinburgh had 'surpassed all expectations, adding: 'We reckon over 60,000 people have taken part in what's been happening, come to the Parliament for the start, been on the march, been here at this amazing Carnival of Resistance.'