Edinburgh man searching for good samaritans who saved his life at Waverley station

Forth News
Author: Hope WebbPublished 16th Jan 2019

An Edinburgh man is searching for the good samaritans that saved his life when he suffered a cardiac arrest at Waverley train station.

47-year-old Donald Scott from Duddingston was on his way to meet friends when he collapsed in the middle of the train station's concorse.

Members of the public raised the alarm, police officers aided him and performed CPR while paramedics rushed to the scene. They were all key to his survival.

Now, six months on Donald wants to trace all those who helped him that day and say thank you.

He told Forth News: "I've got no recollection of the events at all. I woke up in the ERI in the intensive care unit a week later. The whole event is a mystery to me and now I'm trying to track down the people that saved my life that night.

"I would just like to thank them from the bottom of my heart for saving my life. I have two daughters, aged 10 and 7, and without the support I might not have been around to see them grow up."