Edinburgh man caught with bomb making kit convicted

Published 13th Jul 2018

A right wing extremist who was caught with a bomb making kit after emergency services rushed to his home answering a 999 call has been jailed.

Police called into search 35-year-old Peter Morgan's flat after a woman collapsed found a glass bottle studded with lead shot and nail gun rounds along with explosive powder, fuses, screws and steel tacks.

An Army bomb disposal expert told the High Court in Edinburgh that a "quite effective, viable" improvised explosive device (IED) could have been made from the items discovered.

Sergeant Liam Davies told prosecution lawyer Ashley Edwards QC: "I believe that this is a bomb in construction or waiting to be constructed."

The experienced explosive ordnance disposal soldier said the complicated weapon could cause "horrific injury" with severe bleeding and potential death without prompt medical intervention.

He said the potential shrapnel glued to the exterior of the vinegar shaker was telling and if the screws and tacks were put in with an explosive mixture placed inside the bottle that would add to the fragmentation effect.

During the search of Morgan's home in Taylor Place, Edinburgh, officers also found a Nazi swastika flag, far right literature and a German World War II dagger.

Police also discovered he downloaded an international application form to become a "loyal white knight of the Klu Klux Klan."

Morgan had also acquired copies of an Al Qaeda terrorism manual, an IRA volunteers handbook on guerilla warfare and works on turning guns into fully automatic weapons as well as guides on improvised explosives and interrogation techniques.

Jurors heard he was "quite proud" that he was part of the Scottish Defence League and travelled with others from the far right group to a white pride rally in Manchester in 2015.

He was photographed attending the march with his hood up carrying a Scottish saltire flag and holding a "white pride worldwide" poster.

He later claimed to detectives that he was "more of a left leaning person" and had voted for the SNP.

The story emerged on Friday after Morgan, a prisoner of HMP Edinburgh, was convicted of charges under the Terrorism Act.

Jurors convicted Morgan of charges which stated he possessed items and collected information which give "rise to a reasonable suspicion" that he was planning "acts of terrorism."

Morgan's offending took place between April 2012 and July 2017.

Judge Lord Boyd remanded Morgan - who has convictions dating back two decades - in custody in order for the court to obtain reports about Morgan's character.

He said: "I could sentence you today but I prefer to obtain a full report about your background. I will refrain from making comments about the offences to which you have been convicted of.

"In the meantime, you will be remanded in custody."

Morgan spent the trial denying any wrong doing.

During proceedings, the jury heard that police and ambulance personnel had originally attended at the block of flats where Taylor lived on July 2 last year because a woman had collapsed and was found to have no pulse.

A resident said she previously saw the woman at Morgan's flat and police decided to force entry because of concerns for others and a sergeant kicked the door in.

No one was found in the flat at the time but officers noticed drugs paraphernalia such as needles and scales and the premises were secured. Morgan was later seen nearby.

Search officers were dispatched to the property and right wing flags, leaflets and stickers were found. PC Paul Nicholson,46, said as they searched drawers, the vinegar bottle, which had lead shot and cartridges glued to its outside, was found.

A large quantity of commercial fireworks were discovered some of which had been taken apart. A dagger bearing the symbol of an eagle mounted on a swastika was found under a sofa in the living room.

DC Murray Cairns,44, said a decision was taken to seize items found in the flat with the assistance of military ordnance personnel.

He said a military expert viewed the items found in the bottom drawer of a chest of drawers and added: "He agreed it was potential component parts of an improvised explosive device."

Computers taken from Morgan's flat were analysed and it was found he had a PDF of the Turner Diaries, a novel seen as the bible of the racist right in America.

When Morgan, who was on a prescription for the heroin substitute Methodone, was arrested, he said: "How can they get away with charging me for fireworks you can buy out of shops.

"It's not like a bomb's been made out of them. It's not like they have injured people."

However, jurors concluded that Morgan was planning terrorism attacks.

Morgan will be sentenced at the High Court in Edinburgh on August 16 2018.

Detective Inspector Jackie Gilfillan from OCCTU said: "What our investigation established is that Peter Morgan's interest in explosives, coupled with his extreme right-wing beliefs, made him a danger to not only himself, but the public.

"None of the items recovered from Morgan's address had been made into any form of viable explosive and we were able to intervene before he could attempt to construct any device capable of doing harm.

"Whenever such individuals come to our attention, a thorough investigation will be undertaken to gather evidence, which we will then act upon to bring them to justice.

"The Action Counters Terrorism Campaign (ACT), recognises the important role the public have to play in preventing terrorism and whenever such individuals come to our attention a thorough investigation is undertaken to gather evidence and bring them to justice.

"While on this occasion, we were able to take action and prevent any danger to the public, any concerns held by members of the public should be reported to the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321."