Edinburgh's Hogamany brought in nearly £40m for local economy

Author: Hope WebbPublished 12th Jun 2018

Edinburgh's Hogmanay 2018 brought in nearly £40m for the local economy according to new figures.

An annual report by organisors Underbelly shows a 40% economic boost compared to 2010.

The report covers audience statistics, results of engagement programmes, employment, economic benefits and sustainability.

A total of 165,994 people from over 80 countries attended the festival in 2018. Plus over 800 full-time jobs were created as a result.

It was a record-breaking year for the event which celebrated an anniversary year in 2018.

Director Ed Bartlam says: "We wanted to move people from spectating to being more directly involved in the events so that they had access to a more fulfilling, diverse and rich experience.

"We're delighted by the increased economic impact of the event on Edinburgh and Scotland; to be an event that both encourages people to visit and creates employment in the city; to have people from 80 countries buy tickets for the event but also see a strong local audience that engages and participates."