Edinburgh care home ordered to make urgent improvements

A care home has been ordered to make urgent improvements after an inspection raised ``serious concerns''.

The charity’s new figures show that one in three older people are expecting to feel lonely this Christmas.
Published 7th Jan 2020

The Care Inspectorate has issued a formal improvement notice to Drumbrae Care Home in Edinburgh, calling for changes to be made by February 28 to avoid being struck from the register.

Among the five areas listed where urgent improvements are needed are having enough trained and competent staff working at all times and putting in place safe and effective'' arrangements for providing medication.

The Edinburgh City Council-run home has also been ordered to record and follow all instructions given by external health care professionals.

Further improvements include ensuring the care of residents is planned and delivered with compassion, dignity and respect'' and making sure staff are appropriately trained, particularly in moving people and using equipment to do so.

A Care Inspectorate spokesman said: The improvement notice we have issued clearly lays out the improvements we must see so that the care experienced by residents improves quickly.

We will visit this care home again soon to check on progress and if we are not satisfied that the matters raised are being addressed urgently we will not hesitate to take further action.

Everyone in Scotland has the right to safe, compassionate care which meets their needs and respects their rights.

Anyone with a concern can contact our helpline on 0345 600 9527.''

A spokeswoman for the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership (HPSC), which combines NHS Lothian's community health services and Edinburgh City Council's health and social care provision, said: We take the care, safety and support of our care home residents very seriously.

Work is ongoing with the Care Inspectorate to make sure Drumbrae Care Home is safe and comfortable and that we deliver the improvements required by the improvement notice.

We took immediate action following feedback from our inspection in December, a highly experienced and long-standing care home manager from within the partnership has been put in place to oversee this work and monitor progress being made and they are being supported by the HSPC's senior management to drive the improvement we need to see.''