Edinburgh author JK Rowling sends Harry Potter books to young fan in Syria

The 7 year old girl is living in the war-torn city of Aleppo.

Published 24th Nov 2016

Edinburgh author JK Rowling has sent Harry Potter books to a young fan in Syria after her mother messaged the author to ask how her daughter could get hold of the novels.

The writer, 51, sent an ebook to the seven-year-old girl, who is living in the besieged Syrian city of eastern Aleppo.

Bana Alabed, whose account is managed by her mother, told in a message on Twitter that she is reading to forget the war''.

Her mother tweeted: Hi JK Rowling I watched Harry Potter movie, Bana would like to read the book.''

The author replied: I hope you do read the book, because I think you'd like it. Sending you lots and lots of love xxx''

When her mother added: She wants to but we don't have it here. We watched the movie before. How do we get?,'' a member of Rowling's staff stepped in and organised the ebook.

The author was delighted, writing: Brilliant idea ... I've been obsessing over this all morning!''

Ms Alabed posted an image of Bana holding a piece of card with the words thank you my friend JK Rowling for the books'' and added:Love you from Aleppo - Bana''

Love you too, Bana! Thinking of you, keep safe'', Rowling replied.