Edinburgh art student wins art prize for shelter created from sofas

A sculpture made from abandoned sofas has won a £10,000 art prize.

Published 4th Mar 2016

A sculpture made from abandoned sofas has won a £10,000 art prize.

Edinburgh College of Art graduate Emily Binks won the award for a shelter she created from sofas she found on the streets of the city.

She will be provided with a house and studio for three months and a monthly stipend along with a budget to create new work as part of the Glenfiddich Residency Award.

Ms Binks, who is originally from West Yorkshire and graduated with a BA in sculpture in 2015, said her work combines her passion for art with her love of the outdoors.

She said: Recently, my art practice and personal interests have been becoming more and more intertwined. I have been re-homing discarded pieces of furniture from around Edinburgh, then combining that with my experiences of being a Scout leader and my knowledge of survival skills.

I am currently experimenting with construction of temporary shelters made from reclaimed materials which humans can interact with, encouraging them to develop a new understanding of objects both in art and day-to-day life.''

As part of the international residency programme at the Glenfiddich Distillery, Ms Binks's new work will go on show on the on-site gallery.

Andy Fairgrieve, co-ordinator of the Glenfiddich Artists in Residence programme, said the artist would be a very worthwhile addition to this year's residency line-up''.

He added: Her sculptural assemblage invokes a basic fundamental of the human condition: from building dens as children to setting up homes as independent adults, we can all relate to the creation of a place to shelter and a sense of belonging.''

The piece was chosen from 61 artists on show at the RSA New Contemporaries exhibition which opens in Edinburgh on Saturday, which displays artwork from graduates of art schools across Scotland in 2015.

Colin Greenslade, director of the Royal Scottish Academy of Art & Architecture, said: The artists in RSA New Contemporaries are selected on the impact of their degree show presentation, and the Glenfiddich Residency Award winner is then selected from this distilled snapshot of newly emerging talent in Scotland.''