Edinburgh Airport launches flight paths consultation

It follows a controversial trial last year

Published 6th Jun 2016

Edinburgh Airport has launched a consultation on new flight paths.

Views are being sought on the potential impact of changing routes over the affected areas.

The airport, the busiest in Scotland, said modernising its airspace, designed in the 1970s, was necessary in order to handle strong levels of growth'' in operations since 2013.

Last October a trial of a new flight path over West Lothian ended early after noise complaints from residents in communities including Uphall and Dechmont.

Chief executive Gordon Dewar said the airport had learned the lessons of the earlier trial and was committed to carrying out a robust and meaningful'' consultation.

He said: This time last year we were - justifiably in some cases - criticised for not engaging thoroughly enough with our neighbouring communities before running a flight path trial.

We've learned our lessons and this time round will do all that we reasonably can to ensure that everyone has their say on the future growth of Edinburgh Airport.''

The consultation will run for 14 weeks with an accompanying publicity campaign to involve the delivery of 640,000 leaflets, television and print adverts and discussions with community groups.

The airport said the results of the consultation would help to guide the design and development of potential flight path options which would then be presented in a second consultation stage in December.

Mr Dewar added: We need to modernise and improve Edinburgh Airport in a way that maximises the benefits across Scotland and minimises the impact on local communities.

The objective of the first stage of the consultation is to gain responses from the public that will help us inform the design of any potential future flight paths.

We want everyone to know they have the opportunity to have their say on the positioning of potential future flight path changes.''

Airspace rules mean flight paths will not change unless the final proposal is approved by the Civil Aviation Authority, and no earlier than 2018.