Driver of stolen car hunted by police after fatal collision

Witnesses to the incident in Edinburgh are being urged to contact police immediately.

Published 25th May 2018

Police are hunting the driver of a stolen car that was involved in a fatal collision in Edinburgh.

The incident happened near the Maybury roundabout at about 12.30 on Friday. One of the cars caught up in the incident, a Peugeot 206, burst into flames.

After the blaze was put out, the sole occupant of the vehicle was found dead inside.

Three people in a BMW car, including a five-year-old girl, have been taken to hospital for treatment after being injured in the crash.

Police Scotland said they are looking to trace the occupants of a stolen Audi A3 which was being driven in a ''dangerous and reckless'' manner and ultimately caused the incident.

Officers said the grey Audi was seen travelling ''at speed'' from Barnton towards the roundabout at around 12.30am, when it drove along the chevron to overtake several vehicles.

As it approached the roundabout, it headed into the opposite carriageway, causing the BMW to swerve and collide with the Peugeot travelling in the other direction.

A 25-year-old man, 22-year-old woman and the five-year-old girl in the BMW were all taken to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary following the crash.

The Audi fled the area and was found by police in Cowdenbeath, Fife, less than four hours later.

Police said it had been stolen from the Liberton area of Edinburgh more than a month ago, on April 17.

Officers said they have launched a major investigation to trace the driver and any other occupants of the stolen car.

Detective Chief Inspector Paul Grainger, of Edinburgh CID, said: ''At this time we believe the stolen Audi A3 has been driven in a dangerous and reckless manner, which has caused this collision to take place in which a person has died.

Those within this vehicle have then failed to stop and it appears they have thereafter travelled into Fife.

We have dedicated significant resources to this inquiry and while we have now recovered the Audi, the driver and anyone else within the car are yet to be traced.

As part of this investigation, we are keen to know if anyone has seen the stolen Audi A3 being driven, or in unusual or suspicious circumstances, in Edinburgh or elsewhere since April 17.''

Police leading the manhunt also want to trace the occupants of a silver hatchback car, which is thought to have been travelling in convoy with the Audi and is believed to have headed to Fife.

Officers shut the road following the crash and it remained closed into Friday afternoon.

Chief Inspector David Happs, local area commander for north west Edinburgh, said: ''We recognise the impact this incident has had on the local community, not only in relation to the traffic issues, but due to the harrowing nature in which a person has died.

While road policing officers and CID conduct their respective investigations, local resources will be conducting door-to-door enquiries within the Barnton and East Craigs areas to speak with the public and hopefully gather information of use to the inquiry.''