Divide between rich and poor "growing" in Edinburgh

That's according to a new study.

Published 1st Sep 2016

The divide between the rich and poor in Edinburgh appears to be getting worse with new research revealing massive differences across the city.

A detailed study of deprivation across Scotland names Muirhouse as the 5th most deprived place in the country while Niddrie in 14th.

The other end of the list suggests Marchmont West is the 3rd most affluent part of Scotland, Comely Bank is in 5th, Joppa takes 6th, while Bruntsfield is in 10th place.

The figures are contained in the Scottish Government’s Index of Multiple Deprivation.

Citizens Advice Scotland spokesman Patrick Hogan said, “Many Scots on lower incomes having to pay above average costs for basic services like energy, telecoms, loans and insurance.

The Deprivation Index further underlines the impact that these cycles of poverty can have on individuals and on whole communities.