Development near Edinburgh zoo "could kill pandas"

Author: Hope WebbPublished 23rd Apr 2018

Experts at Edinburgh Zoo say proposed construction work near Edinburgh Zoo could kill the two giant pandas.

Concerns have been raised previously over plans to build 75 new homes at the former Corstorphine Hospital site.

Scottish ministers have also asked Edinburgh Council to notify the government if permission is granted.

An expert from the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland believes the stakes may be even higher than previously thought. It's thought vibrations and noise from the project could lead to the premature death of both Yuang Guang and Tian Tian.

There are now calls for action to prevent harm to the animals.

Local Conservative Councillor Scott Douglas says: "They bring in thousands of tourists to Edinburgh every year, from Scotland and throughout the world. They're a huge attraction and they are much loved throughout Edinburgh and Scotland as a whole. They are also a gift from China so we have an obligation to look after them.

Sarah Moyes, from animal charity 'OneKind' says: "Obviously developments need to happen across the city, there is no denying that, but I don't think we should have animals' health at risk just for a new development. Especially if there are options that can be taken to reduce that."