Deer Mauled To Death By Two Dogs In Edinburgh

Published 26th Feb 2015

A deer has been put to sleep after it was mauled by two dogs in Edinburgh. The Scottish SPCA was called out on Tuesday after a passer-by witnessed two dogs attacking the animal in a field near Blackford Glen Road. Eyewitnesses say they dogs were Jack Russels and had been let off their leads. Animal Rescue Officer Fiona Thorburn said, "When I arrived the deer was in a terrible state, the bite marks were awful and you could see the muscle had been ripped off her back legs. "Sadly, the deer was in severe pain and wouldn’t have recovered so the most humane thing to do was to put her to sleep. "It is extremely worrying that these two dogs were able to carry out this attack. It could be that they were being walked by their owner who lost control of them. "Unfortunately we have been unable to trace the owner but we are hopeful someone in the area may have information".