Man jailed for sex attack on woman in her Edinburgh home

David Reid's been given a lifelong restriction order

Published 2nd Sep 2019

A convicted rapist who carried out a horrific sex attack on a neighbour in Edinburgh has been given a life sentence.

David Reid raped the 63 year-old woman at knifepoint at her home in October 2017.

61-year-old Reid today returned to the High Court in Glasgow after earlier admitting to a rape charge.

A judge heard how he already had a lengthy list of serious sex convictions stretching back to the late 1970s.

This included Reid being jailed for 10 years for rape and attempted rape in 1998.

He was also previously guilty of indecent assault and having sex with a girl as young as 13.

Lord Clark said he had decided to impose an Order for Lifelong Restriction on Reid.

He will also serve a minimum of four years and three months behind bars.

The judge told Reid: “This was a disturbing and violent rape of a vulnerable woman.”

He added the serial rapist had been deemed a “high risk” of committing even more similar crimes.

Lord Clark said Reid would only be freed whenever the Parole Board decided it was safe to do so.

A hearing was earlier told the victim had arthritis and needed a walking stick.

Reid chapped her door one morning while clutching a bottle of whisky.

He went on to pull out a knife and grabbed the sobbing woman, who barely knew Reid.

After threatening to “slit” her throat, he forced her into the hall and raped her.

The victim pleaded she had been due to visit her mother that day.

But, Reid told her: “You won't see your mum today. You have to do everything I say.”

The hysterical woman eventually managed to escape onto the street.

Reid initially gave chase before other neighbours came to her aid.

The victim suffered bruising to her face, neck, arm and back.

Reid was also put on the sex offenders list for an indefinite period.

Police have also acknowledged today's sentence.

Detective Chief Inspector Martin Maclean from Edinburgh's Public Protection Unit said: "Reid carried out a terrifying attack on a lone female occupant that left her fearing for her life.

"The members of the public who came to the woman's aid after she fled from Reid played a vital role in ensuring we were able to apprehend them and I wish to thank them for their help.

"I also want to commend the bravery of the victim whose testimony and support of our investigation resulted in a conviction.

"It is my sincere hope that this sentence brings some closure and comfort to to her.

"Police Scotland will always investigate reports of sexual crime, working closely with the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, and other partner agencies, to ensure that perpetrators such as Reid are brought to justice and victims are supported."