David Davis seeking 'UK deal' in Brexit talks despite Nicola Sturgeon's pleas

Brexit Secretary David Davis has rebuffed Nicola Sturgeon's calls for Holyrood to be given powers over areas such as immigration as part of the UK's deal on leaving the EU.

Published 21st Oct 2016

Brexit Secretary David Davis has rebuffed Nicola Sturgeon's calls for Holyrood to be given powers over areas such as immigration as part of the UK's deal on leaving the EU.

The Scottish First Minister wants her Government to take charge of migration, as well as being allowed to strike its own international deals, and she has warned Theresa May that if her demands are not met and the UK pursues a so-called "hard Brexit", she will call a second independence referendum.

A consultation that could pave the way for another vote on Scotland's place in the UK has just been launched by the Scottish Government.

Mr Davis was in Scotland on Friday for talks with his Holyrood counterpart Mike Russell, as well as leading figures from business and other sectors.

He said the UK Government is aiming to get "the maximum possible barrier-free access to the European Union market" as it negotiates its way out of the bloc.

When asked if the First Minister is being "realistic" with her demands, he said: "They are both reserved powers. Immigration and international affairs are both reserved powers."

Before the EU referendum in June, leading Brexit campaigner and then justice secretary Michael Gove had suggested Scotland could get powers over immigration as part of a deal to leave the EU.

But Mr Davis said: "It's hard to see how a separate immigration policy would work."

He insisted the Brexit arrangements would be a "United Kingdom deal", rejecting the idea put forward by the Scottish Government that the country should be able to keep its place in the European single market.

While the UK as a whole voted to leave the European Union, almost two-thirds (62%) of Scots who took part in the ballot wanted to remain.

The Conservative, speaking at Strathclyde University in Glasgow, said while it has "got to be a United Kingdom deal", it would "incorporate protection for the people of Scotland".

He also said the eventual agreement would "reflect the interests of the people of Scotland".

Mr Davis stated: "The aim is to get the maximum possible barrier-free access to the European Union market, as well as being able to get other markets globally.

"How we achieve that? We're not at that stage yet, but that's the aim."

He continued: "I don't think the Scottish people want another referendum, but that's for them.

"I have simply got the single aim in front of me, which is to get the best deal possible, and that includes the best deal for the Scottish people."

Ms Sturgeon told the SNP conference last week that the Scottish Government would bring forward ''specific proposals'' aimed at protecting Scotland's interests in Europe and keeping the country in the single market ''even if the rest of the UK decides to leave''.

In a direct message to the Prime Minister, Ms Sturgeon said: ''If you think for one single second that I'm not serious about doing what it takes to protect Scotland's interests, then think again.

''If you can't - or won't - allow us to protect our interests within the UK, then Scotland will have the right to decide, afresh, if it wants to take a different path.''

Scottish Secretary David Mundell, who accompanied Mr Davis on the visit, said: "It's not a surprise the Scottish Government, the SNP, support independence and they are going to continue to promulgate that view, but we believe that we can conduct the negotiations in a way that will deliver the best possible deal for Scotland and the rest of the UK.

"We've been very clear, if the Scottish Government come forward with specific proposals, which they have not to date, we will look at what they say."