Cyclist killed in Bathgate accident named

Police in West Lothian

Jamie Gaffney
Author: Hope WebbPublished 10th May 2018

A cyclist who died in a crash in Bathgate over the weekend has been named by police in West Lothian.

45-year-old Jamie Gaffney - from Bathgate - fell from his bike at the Westfield Roundabout on Saturday 5th May.

In a statement released through Police Scotland, Jamie's father, Andrew Gaffney said: "Jamie was a keen cyclist who regularly cycled to work in Glasgow and made weekend trips to the West Coast.

"He died whilst doing what he loved.

"The family's heartfelt thanks goes out to the kind person who stopped to help and gave him the very best chance of being cared for, drawing help from passing professionals who got him to hospital without delay.

"He was my first child and one for whom I will always keep a special place in my heart."