Councils In Scotland Are Getting New Powers To Cut Business Rates

Finance Secretary John Swinney will make the announcement at the SNP Conference in Aberdeen later.

Published 16th Oct 2015

Finance Secretary John Swinney will make the announcement at the SNP Conference in Aberdeen later.

It means from the 31st of October - local authorities can reduce rates bills on criteria they choose such as type of property, location, occupation or activity.

Mr Swinney told us: “The Scottish Government is committed to giving communities real control over their own futures. This substantial new power, which will give councils more control over business rates, and an opportunity to tailor them to their local area.

“We have already set a strong platform nationally by delivering the most competitive business taxation in the UK; for example the Small Business Bonus Scheme alone reduces or removes business rates for more than 96,000 properties.

“Scottish councils will be able to use these powers from the end of this month and, in contrast to England, will be able to retain all the business rates they collect.

“With these new flexibilities councils could, for example, use their local knowledge to attract new investment into town centres and help create vibrant communities where people want to live, socialise and do business.”

Councillor Kevin Keenan, COSLA’s Finance Spokesman, added: “COSLA welcomes the new business rate provisions in the Community Empowerment Act and while COSLA’s ambitions are much greater we see this as a positive start to the journey on increasing local flexibility of funding and taxation powers for councils.”