Clackmannanshire woman to stand trial in connection with alleged dog attack on toddler

Sharon Ovens denies the charge against her.

Published 17th Oct 2016

A Clackmannanshire woman alleged to have been the owner of a dog that got into a house and mauled a toddler is to face trial.

The animal, a Border collie, is said to have bitten the three year old girl on the head and body, injuring her severely and permanently disfiguring her, after entering the house in Sauchie unaccompanied.

Sharon Ovens, 47, pleaded not guilty at Alloa Sheriff Court today to being the owner of a dog that was dangerously out of control.

The incident is said to have happened on June 8th in Fairfield, Sauchie.

Ms Ovens was ordered by Sheriff Linda Smith to reappear, for trial, on October 26th.