Children "chased by clowns" in East Lothian

Police are investigating the reports.

Published 7th Oct 2016

Police in East Lothian are investigating reports of children being chased by people dressed up as clowns.

The separate incidents are said to have happened near Musselburgh Racecourse yesterday.

It's thought to be part of the so called "killer clown craze" that originated in the US, where people dress up and try to scare strangers.

Officers are warning that anyone who takes part in the bizarre trend is risking arrest.

A Police Scotland spokesman said: "Police in East Lothian have received two calls where clowns were said to have chased children in Musselburgh on Thursday 6th October.

"On each occasion reassurance advice was given to the children.

"The public can be assured that any reports of individuals attempting to intimidate members of the public will be appropriately investigated."