Child abuse inquiry chair quits amid comments row

Susan O'Brien QC will no longer lead the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, which is due to begin public hearings in November.

Published 4th Jul 2016

The chair of a major inquiry into child abuse in Scotland has resigned amid claims she made comments that were "offensive'' to survivors.

Susan O'Brien QC will no longer lead the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, which is due to begin public hearings in November.

It comes less than a week after panel member Professor Michael Lamb stepped down, saying the review was "doomed'' due to interference by ministers.

This was echoed by Ms O'Brien in her resignation letter, with the lawyer stating that the inquiry's work "will have no value'' if its independence cannot be guaranteed.

A legal process which could have led to Ms O'Brien's removal as chair was already under way.

A consultant clinical psychologist raised concerns with the government in May over allegedly insensitive remarks made by Ms O'Brien during a training session for inquiry team members.

In the letter to the Deputy First Minister John Swinney, Ms O'Brien said the dismissal process had been approached "casually, on the basis of misunderstandings and inaccurate allegations''.

She wrote: "I have no confidence that you would not try to dismiss me again another time, even if you decide against dismissal now.

"This compromises my ability to carry out my duty to ask questions and reach conclusions fearlessly.

"In short, I cannot reassure the public that this inquiry will be conducted independently of Government.''

Ms O'Brien said she had been left with no alternative but to resign, and was doing so "with a heavy heart''.

Glenn Houston remains as the sole member of the panel, which has been tasked with addressing seven decades of abuse of children in faith-based organisations, children's homes, foster care, long-term hospital care and boarding schools.

The inquiry has already begun taking evidence from elderly and ill members of the public, ahead of the first session later this year.

John Swinney, who will meet survivors on Thursday to discuss the progress of the review, said urgent steps are being taken to appoint a new chair and panel member.

He said: "Sadly, the comments of the chair raised serious concerns.

"The comments made were considered by a leading abuse trauma expert to be totally unacceptable and to indicate a belief system that is incompatible with the post of chair of such an inquiry; to be offensive to survivors and to lack any context in which they could be seen as acceptable.

"What's more, these actions had the potential to cause the loss of confidence of survivors - the very people at the heart of the inquiry.

"Given the severity of those concerns, I felt I had a duty to initiate statutory proceedings which could have led to removal of the chair from post.

"Ms O'Brien's resignation clearly now means that process has not been concluded and frees me to now share the facts of the case with Parliament.''

Mr Swinney said the government "absolutely rejects'' any charges of interference in the independence of the inquiry.

NSPCC Scotland said the loss of two out of three panel members within a week was "deeply concerning''.

A spokesman said: "Victims of abuse display great courage in coming forward with their evidence and they must be able to have complete confidence in the inquiry and those leading it.''

MSPs also warned against letting abuse survivors down.

Scottish Labour education spokesman Iain Gray said: "Survivors' confidence in the inquiry was already fragile, given that their desire for a wider remit and greater support for participants has not been listened to.

"The Deputy First Minister needs to revisit these concerns now. Simply replacing Ms O'Brien and Professor Lamb will not be enough to restore confidence in this process.

"When Parliament returns the Education Committee must carry out an investigation into how this mess was allowed to develop.''

The Scottish Greens' education spokesman Ross Greer said: "This inquiry is of paramount importance, and confidence in it will be severely shaken by the latest departure.

"Victims of child abuse have waited a long time, and need reassurance that the inquiry will get back on track.

"I believe we need to make urgent but careful progress in appointing new members of the inquiry. This issue has support from across the political spectrum and we owe it to survivors of abuse to make sure the inquiry is carried out.''

Liz Smith, Scottish Conservative education spokeswoman, said: "This is an extremely sensitive matter and I am pleased John Swinney has accepted the resignation of Susan O'Brien QC.

"It was very clear that neither the victims nor the public at large could, in these circumstances, continue to have confidence in her chairmanship of the inquiry. "Of paramount importance is restoring public trust and to that end we welcome the announcement by John Swinney to permit parliamentary scrutiny of his actions."