Calls for fuel bank to be opened in Edinburgh

In some areas of the capital up to 60% of people live in fuel poverty.

Published 3rd Aug 2016

An energy charity is calling for a fuel bank to be opened in Edinburgh.

Glasgow recently became the first Scottish city to introducethe support service, which allows pre-paid meter vouchers to be handed out to those struggling to light and heat their homes.

First launched in 2015 with the Trussell Trust, National Energy Action, and Durham Christian Partnership, it has been previously trialled in four locations in England.

Now energy charity Changeworks wants similar support to be available to those living in the capital.

"Despite being a relatively affulent city, Edinburgh still has a significant minority of people who are in fuel poverty. Across the city this averages at around 25%, but in some areas it is as high as 60%.

"Most people don't realise the level of fuel poverty of Edinburgh. These pockets of deprivation tend to be not right in the city centre and obvious, they are in the outlining areas.

"When you can't afford to heat your home alot of problems follow on from that, people get depressed and we've even seen people quite suicidal, who are in a state of desperation."

It comes as Ofgem announces plans to introduce a price cap on pre-payment meters, which the watchdog says will protect four million "vulnerable" customers by helping them save around £75 a year.