Brexit poses 'significant challenges' for farming and crofting, report says

A new report says 'significant challenges' could be faced by farming and crofting communities in the Highlands and Islands after Brexit.

Published 14th May 2018

It assesses the likely impacts of different Brexit scenarios on the economy and communities, their effects on wildlife, the environment and tourism.

Called 'Post-Brexit Implications for Agriculture and Associated Land Use in the Highlands and Islands', it says declining agricultural activity, land abandonment and a shrinking workforce could be accelerated.

These trends, the report says, could have negative effects on environmental land management and food and drink and tourism.

The Highlands and Islands Agriculture Support Group (HIASG) which commissioned the analysis, has called on the Scottish Government to provide a targeted response for crofting and farming.

The work was carried out by Dr Andrew Moxey of Pareto Consulting and Steven Thomson of SRUC for HIASG.

The report is being presented at an event in Edinburgh on Monday.

Douglas Irvine, economic development manager for Shetland Islands Council and chairman of HIASG, said: 'This report is a wake-up call and shows how important farming and crofting is to the economy, people and environment of the Highlands and Islands, but also how vulnerable it is.

'We urge the Scottish Government to ensure future farming and rural policy and funding responds effectively to the scale of the challenges faced by this region and is well targeted.'

More than two-thirds of Scotland's 'high nature value'' farmland is located in the Highlands and Islands region because of extensive farming methods and small-scale farming and crofting.

The region has areas designated for its national and international environmental importance which benefits birds and wildlife.

Vicki Swales, head of land use policy at RSPB Scotland, which is a member of HIASG, said: 'To date, the continuation of traditional farming and crofting practices have helped to create a region that is of enormous environmental importance, home to fantastic wildlife and iconic landscapes.

'We call on the Scottish Government to ensure that in future the environmental land management carried out by farmers and crofters and all the public benefits that provides are properly supported and rewarded.''

Fergus Ewing, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy and Connectivity at the Scottish Government will speak at the event which will be attended by farming, crofting, environment, rural and local development and tourism organisations.

Mr Ewing said: 'I welcome this important report, which highlights the distinctive challenges of farming in the Highlands and Islands, both in terms of the land and those available to work it.

'It confirms what I have been saying ever since the Brexit referendum - that Brexit is going to be the biggest challenge that the industry and rural communities has faced for generations.

'It is therefore vital that the special circumstances of the Highlands and Islands are not ignored, and that their unique social, economic and environmental conditions remain supported.'