Brexit impact on energy industry discussed at summit

The impact of Brexit on Scotland's energy industry is to be discussed at a summit.

Published 20th Sep 2016

The impact of Brexit on Scotland's energy industry is to be discussed at a summit.

Energy minister Paul Wheelhouse and Mike Russell, the recently-appointed minister for UK negotiations on Scotland's place in Europe, will attend the Edinburgh event to talk to businesses and energy stakeholders.

They said they want to offer as much reassurance and certainty as possible''.

The Scottish Government is to publish plans for an integrated approach to energy and climate change early next year.

Mr Wheelhouse said: Today's session is about listening to industry and other expert views on the implications for the future of energy in Scotland following the EU referendum result.''

He added: We understand that the energy industry requires a stable environment and investors need policy certainty.

That is why a steady, managed transition is so fundamental to our energy strategy. Recent UK Government decisions, actions and, sadly, inactions have resulted in considerable change and uncertainty for the energy industry in Scotland.

The EU referendum result has added immeasurably to that uncertainty.

I am determined to ensure that the long-term objectives of our Energy Strategy and Climate Change Plan will be delivered in the face of this uncertainty and today's event will help us to plot a common path forward and deliver on that promise.''

A second summit focused on the oil and gas sector is to be held in Aberdeen in October.