Boroughmuir High has official opening

Author: Hope WebbPublished 13th Jun 2018

The official opening of Boroughmuir High School has taken place today.

The new school opened its doors to pupils in February this year following a series of delays to the project. It was originally due to be up and running by August 2016.

The building, which won Building of the Year in the Edinburgh Architectural Association Awards 2018, has received Scottish Government funding through the Schools for the Future programme.

Council Leader Adam McVey said: “This is the third new high school we have opened in as many years and demonstrates the Council’s commitment to investing in our children’s education with support from the Scottish Government’s Schools for the Future programme.

“There have been challenges along the way and I would like to thank the school staff, pupils and parents for their patience – I am sure everyone will agree the school has been well worth the wait.

“I know the school will go from strength to strength in the future and today marks an important milestone for future generations.”

Deputy Leader Cllr Cammy Day said: “As a former Education Convener I am proud of our innovative school design strategy that puts our pupils at the heart of the process. By engaging with our teachers and pupils from the start we have been able to create an educational brief and vision for this school that truly delivers a unique building that meets the needs of all its pupils.

“Walking round the school today it is clear the building is having a positive impact on teaching and learning and allows the school to make the best use of new technology to equip them for their future careers.

“It is also important to recognise that this school is going to be a huge community asset and outside school hours I am sure the sports facilities, including Scotland’s first rooftop MUGA, will be very popular.