Blaze at Livingston play park treated as suspicious

Published 12th Sep 2016

A play park in Linvingston has suffered extensive damage after it was set on fire at the weekend.

Fire crews were called to the incident between Howden South Road and the skate park at around 5.40pm on Sunday evening.

Police are treating the blaze as suspicious and they are following a postive line of inquiry to trace those responsible.

Sergeant Iain Wells from Livingston Police Station said: ''This wanton act of vandalism has caused several thousand pounds worth of damage and has put the play park out of use.

"We are confident we will identify the suspects, however, I am appealing to anyone who has any information regarding this offence to come forward".

Executive Councillor for Services for the Community, George Paul said: "It is absolutely sickening to hear that this brand new playground which has yet to be fully completed has been vandalised. Once again a very small number of mindless people have ruined an excellent facility for local children. It is absolutely vital that the person or people responsible for this completely unacceptable action are caught, I would urge anyone who has information to report it to the police as a matter of urgency."

Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101 or alternatively an anonymous report can be made to the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.