Baby boy left blind and brain damaged after attack by woman

Published 22nd Nov 2019

A woman attacked a baby boy leaving him blind in one eye and brain damaged, a court was told.

At the High Court in Glasgow Caroline Thomson, 30, admitted assaulting the baby boy to his permanent impairment, permanent disfigurement and to the danger of his life.

The offence was committed on various occasions between May 2 and June 16, last year, when he was aged between three weeks and nine weeks old at addresses in Larbert and Falkirk, Stirlingshire.

The High Court in Glasgow heard that the baby suffered multiple rib fractures, bleeding on the brain,a broken right wrist, fractures to the base of both big toes and a detached retina.

Prosecutor Kath Harper said: "The accused told the police the injuries may have been caused when she dropped the baby and said some of the injuries could have been caused by a two- year-old child.

Ms Harper told the court: "This is inconsistent with the medical findings. It is the opinion of consultant paediatrician Rosemart Grattan that any injury causing bleeding on the brain has the potential to endanger life."

The court was told the injuries to the baby's feet are suggestive of an impact or crush injury and the injuries to the wrist and the ribs were consistents with a squeezing injury.

The rib fractures required excessive force.

Consultant ophthalmologist Jennifer Ann Gillen examined the baby's eyes and confirmed he had a detached retina. She said she had never seen this type of injury in a young baby and such an injury would require some form of blunbt force trauma.

The little boy who is now 19 months old cannot speak and is unable to walk, although he can crawl. Doctors say any assessment of long-term cannot be made until he is older.

When she was charged with assaulting the boy Thomson told police: "I would never hurt a baby."

Judge Lady Rae told Thomson: "These were appalling injuries caused to a newborn. This is a very serious matter."

She remanded Thomson in custody and deferred sentence until next month.

Defence QC Bert Kerrigan will give his plea in mitigation then.