Andrew Flanagan to resign as Scottish Police Authority Chair

Published 14th Jun 2017
Last updated 14th Jun 2017

The chair of Scotland's police watchdog has announced he will stand down from the role.

Andrew Flanagan is resigning from the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) amid ongoing controversy over his conduct and wider issues surrounding transparency and governance at the organisation.

He said: ''Recent events have focused on my disagreement with a board member and perceptions of a wider lack of transparency in the SPA.

I have apologised to the former board member and put in place changes to the governance processes of the SPA.

There are many serious challenges faced by policing in Scotland but the continued media and Parliamentary debate on these issues risks coming a prolonged distraction.'

Mr Flanagan, chair of the oversight body since September 2015, said he had concluded it was in the ''best interests of policing'' that he stand down.

He sent his resignation letter to the Justice Secretary on Tuesday, offering to continue in the post until a successor is appointed.

''With a strategic direction for the service well in train and the right mix of leadership in Police Scotland to deliver it, I do not wish the ongoing debate to get in the way as we move into the implementation phase,'' he said.

I have therefore taken the decision that it would be in the best interests of policing if I were to step down from my role as chair of the SPA.

The next few months will involve an intensive period of work to develop implementation plans and effective governance structures to manage and oversee the transformation programme.

To avoid any hiatus or delay, I have indicated to the Cabinet Secretary that I would be willing to stay on until he appoints a successor and to ensure an orderly handover.''

He added: ''I take pride in being a part of this chapter of policing history in Scotland and for the personal successes I have had since taking up the role in 2015 - in particular shaping a long-term strategy for Police Scotland, recruiting a new Chief Constable and senior leadership team, and setting a clear direction for bringing financial sustainability.

As a result, I am confident that the single police service in Scotland now has a solid platform from which to build an even better service for the people of Scotland.

I hope that is a position on which we can build both consensus and momentum.'