Activists attempt to kidnap Dolly the sheep revealed

Published 12th Mar 2018

It's been revealed that Dolly the Sheep once avoided kidnapping in Midlothian during a failed heist by green activists.

A group of campaigners broke into the shed where the world's first clone of an adult mammal was being kept to try and hold her hostage - in a bid to show their opposition to the new animal cloning technology. When they got to the shed, they couldn't find her amongst all the other cloned sheep and left empty handed.

The story of the failed kidnapping is revealed by Mark Lynas, who once led the UK campaign against genetically modified livestock and crops. He told how he posed as an academic researcher to get access to the Roslin Institiute in Midlothian, where Dolly was being kept, only to find her hiding in a shed full of sheep. He said he left "frustrated" and "empty-handed."

Dolly was successfully cloned by Ian Wilmut and Keith Campbell in 1996 after 267 failed attempts. She died at 6-years-old and her preserved body was put on display at The National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh