A record breaking year for Cash for Kids as our charity helps 56,000 local kids

Author: Max SteelePublished 29th Jan 2020

Nearly £2million pounds was raised by Radio Forth's Cash for Kids charity during 2019.

Over 56,000 vulnerable children have benefitted across Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and Falkirk.

It's all down to the hard work of volunteers and numerous fundraising events which culminated with our massive Mission Christmas appeal.

Board member, Wilson Hunter told Forth News: "The fact that we are now approaching the magic £2million mark is thanks to our Radio Forth listeners really taking the charity into their hearts.

"A massive thanks is due to not only our loyal corporate donors but also to the huge number of groups and individuals who have helped us throughout the year".

"That generosity has allowed us to help kids who are disadvantaged through poverty, provide medical equipment to help the lived of disabled children and to offer much needed support to organisations across the network who work with children.

"On the one hand it saddens me that so many of our young children are in need of our help but on the other hand I am uplifted the increasing level of support provided by our listeners.

"Finally I must pay tribute to the very hard working and endlessly energetic charity team at Radio Forth and their battalion of volunteer helpers.

"Without their efforts we could not achieve anything like the results that we have.

"With your support they are driven to make a difference to the lives of as many children as they can every year. Thank you all".