41% of Scots make Christmas Day corner shop dash

survey reveals many us rush to a local store to stock up on items like alcohol, batteries and cigarettes

Published 13th Dec 2016

Nearly half of Scots have made a last-minute dash to a corner shop or convenience store on Christmas Day to stock up on items such as alcohol, batteries and stuffing for the turkey, a survey has found.

Some 29% of people said they had done this, with alcohol being the most common last-minute purchase, followed by milk, soft drinks, batteries, cigarettes, gravy, bread, stuffing, cream and chocolate, Nationwide Current Accounts found.

People living in Scotland were the most likely to have dashed out on a last-minute errand to a local shop, with those in London and Wales jointly the second most likely.

The research also found that nearly one in five (17%) people would prefer it if larger stores could keep their doors open on Christmas Day, with men more likely to say this than women.

Phil Smith, Nationwide Building Society's head of current accounts, said: "While most people are content with staying at home or visiting loved ones on Christmas Day, a hardcore element are still very much in the mood to shop.

"But with December 25 now the only day when most of the shops are shut across the UK, it is perhaps a bit much to expect staff to give up their Christmas Day to serve the nation at the tills.''

Some 2,000 people took part in the survey.

Here are the percentages of people surveyed across Britain who have nipped out to the corner shop or local convenience store on Christmas Day:

:: Scotland, 41% :: London, 36% :: Wales, 36% :: South West, 31% :: Yorkshire and the Humber, 29% :: North West, 28% :: West Midlands, 28% :: Northern Ireland, 27% :: South East, 26% :: North East, 25% :: East Anglia, 19% :: East Midlands, 19%