250 jobs to go at Rosyth Dockyard

Author: Hope WebbPublished 28th Nov 2017
Last updated 28th Nov 2017

250 jobs are to go at Rosyth Dockyard.

Engineering and support services firm Babcock announced the news today, stating it needs to "reshape" its business following the completion of the Queen Elizabeth carrier ships.

A statement from the company says: "250 or so specific roles and capabilities are no longer needed with the slow-down of the QEC work.

"Our employees are our priority throughout this process, we understand how unsettling this news may be and we will work closely with those affected and our trade union representatives through this consultation period to redeploy or relocate as many employees as possible within our wider organisation and support those who wish to take this opportunity to move on.

“We remain committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our workforce that supports both our current and future operational needs. In fact, looking to the future we have recently taken on our yearly intake of apprentices and graduates, underlining our focus of developing and delivering the best solutions in the most effective ways for our customers”.