12 of the most annoying types of co-worker

We like our job but there are those that make the working day feel that little bit longer

Published 14th Aug 2015

We go to work to do our job, have a chat with our colleagues and to generally have a good day. However there are those that make the working day feel that little bit longer.

Here's 12 of the most annoying types of people to work with...

1. The noisy typers Are you typing or bashing your fists against the keyboard?

2. The food thief You find yourself placing passive aggressive notes on YOUR food and sending emails around to try sniff out the culprit.

3. The one with the messy desk Are they hoarding? Are they living here?

4. The loud talker The office can be deadly quiet and this person will still be shouting. Best not talk about anything none work related as the entire team will know before long.

5. The zombie The one who will come to work regardless of how close to death they feel. Stay away from me!

6. The office gossip Nobody and no topic is off limits. Try not to hold eye contact for anyone at work for too long or this person will be telling everyone about your new relationship.

7. The lazy emailer This person will send you emails even when they are sat right next to you.

8. The one that's always too cold No matter how hot it is this person is always cold and goes around closing all the windows. Put a jumper on so we can open a window!

9. The know-it-all We're not talking about the people who know how to do their job but the people who have a comment on everything, they told you they could do the presentation better but not how!

10. The space invader This person sits waaaaaay too close. Please keep at arms length at all times.

11. The stud This person thinks they are God's gift to men and women and goes around at work acting like it.

12. The tea round escapist This person will always shout up for a drink but when it's their round they claim to have a meeting.

What people do you encounter at work that wind you up?

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