WATCH: 10-year-old Avengers superfan meets cast after online campaign

Published 27th Apr 2017
Last updated 27th Apr 2017

An Avengers superfan has met the cast of the blockbuster after a successful online campaign.

We told you about 10-year-old Noah Riddell earlier. He has been camping out at the Edinburgh film set for 'Avengers: Infinity War' since shooting began a month ago. He drags his Dad along every night and wears an Iron Man mask.

He has gained the attention of the crew working on the film, who then managed to gather together a goodie bag full of keepsakes from the set to give him.

Noah said: "I can't really explain how big a fan I am, I've got lots of books about it, lots of toys of them, I watch the movie all the time, I play their games, everything.

"I've been over the moon watching the filming, sometimes when I see them (the cast) I'm left speechless.

"I've been wearing the t-shirts they gave me every night since they gave me them. I couldn't speak when they gave me the goodie bag. I almost cried I was so happy."

But his dream was to meet the cast and his dad started a #NoahToMeetTheAvengers campaign online in hopes of making it a reality.

Well, last night Elizabeth Olsen, who plays Scarlett Witch, took time to meet Noah and chat to him while on a break from filming.