10 of the world's most amazing noises

From a dolphin talking to a comet singing!

Published 4th Mar 2016

With all of the excitement surrounding our 'What’s That Noise?' competition, we thought we would have a search for the world’s most amazing sounds!

1. The fastest car in the world driving The current fastest street car in the world is the Hennessey Venom GT, and only 6 of them exist.

2. A dolphin talking Dolphins are said to be one of the most intelligent animals in the world, so intelligent in fact, that they can have full blown conversations!

3. The crashing of waves Sailing the high seas is not for the light hearted, but if you want to hear some loud waves, you could try standing on the beach and listening to the waves crash against the shore.

4. Frogs singing In 2013 sound expert Julian Treasure created an online competition to find the “most beautiful sound in the world” and the winning sound came from a very unexpected source, singing frogs!

6. Someone speaking in Latin A lot of people refer to it as a dead language but some schools in the UK have put Latin on their itinerary so there may be a revival!

7. The cry of a new born baby The sound of a baby crying can sometimes be a little bit stressful, but there’s nothing more beautiful than hearing your own baby cry for the first time.

8. The sound of the Aurora Borealis The Northern Lights aren’t just amazing to see, they are also amazing to hear!

9. The world’s oldest sound recording This recording was made by Parisian inventor Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville made on a "phonautograph," and was unplayable for more than a century, until modern technology brought it to life!

10. The “Singing Comet” During a satellite test on comet 67P, the comet was recorded to make a noise that sounded as though it was singing!

Boogie in the Morning is playing ‘What’s That Noise?’ and giving you the chance to win BIG cash. Listen weekdays 6am to 7pm for your chance to win £2000!

Find out more about our 'What’s That Noise?' competition and listen online now!