10 car games to make your journey amazing

These will keep everyone entertained!

Published 21st Jul 2016

Summer is well underway (even if the weather makes us think otherwise) so now's the time to get the family all together for an incredible journey.

1. The Alphabet Game. Each person has to come up with something beginning with each letter of the alphabet. Play it with countries, animals, football teams... the list is endless!

2. I went on holiday and in my bag I packed... As each person names a thing you have to remember the things in order.

3. Mini Punch. And we do mean MINI. If you spot a Mini then give someone in the car a gentle tap but not the driver!

4. Spot It. Everyone in the car has a list of 8-10 things (like telephone box, pylon, sheep etc..) and then the first to spot them all wins. It's a bit like Bingo.

5. Numberplate Stories. Using the last three letters of a number plate make up stories. For example TBB would be 'The big bear...' and then tell the rest of the story.

6. Cricket. You take it in turns to be in bat. Scoring comes from the names of all the pubs you pass and you get one point for pubs with limbs or animals in. For example The Queens Arms = 2 points. The Swan = 2 points. You’re out when you pass a pub with no limbs or animals in the name.

7. Colours. A game where everyone picks a colour and whoever counts the most colours of that car at the end wins.

8. The Last Letter Game. Pick a category, choose a word in the category and take the last letter of that word and make a new word starting with that letter. Repeat.

9. Who am I? The person who starts thinks of someone (real or character) and everyone else takes turns working out who they are with yes/no answers. Get a ‘yes’ as a reply then have another guess, ‘no’ as a reply and it moves to the next person.

10. Eye Spy. It's a classic for a reason!

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