When Romance Went Digital…

If you’re looking for love online, how can you make the digital, romantic?

Published 20th May 2014

With such busy lifestyles it’s no wonder that now the easiest and most effective way of connecting with people, is online. We’re all victim to this new digital age – sending our friends a quick Facebook message instead of meeting up for a quick cup of coffee, emailing our family recent pictures of the kids, instead of popping over for Sunday dinner.

But if you’re looking for love online, there seems to be a whole new set of rules to follow in the dating game, so how do you make the digital, romantic?

**Skype Date----------


Instead of chatting on the phone, exchanging loads of emails and trying to fit in contact around your busy day – book in a <a class="article-body-link" href="http://www.skype.com/en/ "Skype"">Skype Date! An hour of no distractions, just you and your date staring lovingly into each-other’s eyes (albeit through a screen). Open up a bottle, and take some time out to chat and enjoy your date’s company.

**Share a Playlist----------------


<a class="article-body-link" href="https://www.spotify.com/uk/video-splash/?utm_source=spotify&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=start "Spotify"">Spotify has a great function where you can share a playlist with another member. You and your date can exchange new music that you’ve heard, or that you think they might like. It’s a fun way to learn about your date and to discover new music!

**Text Treats-----------


It’s difficult to conduct a conversation by text – which is why they should only be used when you have something to say. A little ‘good morning’ text is lovely to wake up to, whereas an ‘I’ve just had soup and a roll for lunch’ text, is not so great.

Share a mid-morning joke to make them smile, or wish them goodnight before they go to bed. Little things like that, let your date know you’re thinking about them.

**Get Pinning!------------


<a class="article-body-link" href="http://pinterest.com/ "Pinterest"">Pinterest is fantastic for logging inspiration and finding out about new and exciting things! Which is why it’s the perfect place to keep a note of all those restuarants you want to go to, cities you want to visit, films you want to watch and gigs you want to see! So get your partner involved and start your own ‘to do’ list.

BUT REMEMBER....These little things can help to keep the romance, but don’t get too caught up in the digital. No matter how busy we are, it’s important to make that time for a loved one. And of course the whole point of online dating is to find someone to share your time with – not to share emails with!

<a class="article-body-link" href="dating.forth1.com?utm_source=forth1&utm_campaign=vip&utm_medium=website?utm_source=dating-hub&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=2108 "Forth 1 Dating"">Join Forth 1 Dating today and show your romantic side!