Moving In - When is the Right Time?

37% of people said that between 6 months - 1 year is the ideal time to move in with a new partner...

Published 9th Sep 2014

In the current economic climate, the thought of splitting the rent, getting out of your shared house, and setting up home with your partner – is the dream. But to put a dampener on the situation, these days 1 in 2 marriages fail, so we should be careful about rushing into things. In other words, it needs to be a considered decision, not just a ‘fancy moving in?’, ‘YES!!’ conversation on a drunken Friday night. surveyed 1000 cohabiters and asked them when they think the ideal time is:

As you can see, the majority said 6 months – 1 year, which sounds sensible. Within that time presumably you would have had a holiday (1 week of 24/7 contact with your significant other), and if that didn’t put you off then, excellent! Also, you’re past that honeymoon stage so you’ll know all of their habits, both good and bad.

Any longer than a year and there’s a chance that you might have developed a ‘relationship routine,’ making it a little more difficult to adjust to change. 18% went for After Marriage, how traditional! The benefit of this option is that you can basically get all of your household goods from the wedding party. Or, you might move in and discover that living under the same roof without throwing hard objects at each other is near impossible. Let’s hope the wedding party kept their receipts.

Of course, stats are just stats and it’s entirely up to you as to what you think is right. But before you do make the move, ask yourselves these questions:

Are you moving in for convenience?

If so, don’t. You shouldn’t HAVE to move in, it should be about what is right for your relationship, not what is right for your bank account.

Do you REALLY see a long term future?

Breaking up is hard enough without getting a house involved. When you’re moving in, you’re not just committing to your partner, you’re committing to brick and mortar (and sadly, you can’t have ‘space’ from your rent!)

Do you want to wake up every morning with them, Cuddle up on the sofa and talk about your day, and Come home every day to the person you love? If the answer is yes then it looks like you’ve found yourself a new housemate!

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