7 things you should know before dating someone with a dog

Cuddles in bed after 7am? But that's walkies time!

Published 20th Sep 2016
Last updated 24th Jan 2017

In a recent survey, over 1,000 single guys and girls were quizzed about their dating deal breakers, to unveil the truth about our beloved cats and dogs.

Here are the hair-raising results...

Better take that profile pic smooching your dog down then! Here are 7 ways in which a furry friend will change your relationship...

  1. You'll have a LOT less free time

Sleeping in and cuddling past 10am is a thing of the past! Dogs have to be walked every morning no matter what, so get ready to wake up early.


  1. You'll become more active

We already know exercise is good for stress reduction, heart health, and mood, but it can also be excellent for your relationship!


Naww, look at 'em go.

  1. You will have way more responsibility

Forget arguing over whose turn it is to do the dishes; you suddenly have a whole lot more to deal with!


No Marley!

  1. You can wave cash goodbye

Having a pet can be expensive, so date nights may have to take a back seat from time to time.


  1. You might have to face down little jealousies

This may sound daft but if you’re continually paying a furry addition attention prepare for a bit of jealousy.


Well SORRY Rover, you'll just have to wait for your cuddle time.

  1. You'll become like a little family

Have things got serious? Co-parenting an animal will test your ability to work together and ultimately overcome challenges. It will also help you share your love and deepen your commitment to each other.


Sounds a bit mushy but it’s true!

  1. You will cherish your alone time

Your adorable fluff ball may make the perfect cuddle buddy but sometimes it’s nice to have some quality time just the two of you.


So with 4 of out 5 singles being pet lovers, maybe it’s time to visit the local shelter?

Brought to you by,** Hallam FM Dating.**

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