12 things people who can sleep anywhere can definitely relate to

Being able to nod off anywhere is a talent

Person asleep in library

We all love sleep – some more than others. And for those who can nod off anywhere, we’ve put together a list only you can relate to!

1) You often miss the end of movies.

But that's okay because you could figure out how it was going to end anyway, right?

Person asleep in cinema

2) Your arm is the greatest pillow ever, and it comes attached to your body, meaning you can sleep on any surface.

Unless your computer keyboard is more handy.

3) Sleeping on a comfortable surface is just an optional guideline.

And sometimes not even coffee can save you.

4) Using someone else's shoulder is perfectly acceptable for a nap.

Man asleep on girlfriend's shoulder

5) Attempting to read a book doesn't always end well.

6) And neither does going to the library to find one.

7) You take the risk people might choose to draw on your face.

8) You laugh at people who say they can only sleep at home in a bed. Amateurs!

9) It's important to get your nap time in before going outside for any long periods of time.

Woman having a nap

10) People have learned to 'leave you be' during your sleepy times.

11) Your sleeping habits can encourage others.

12) Seriously, you can sleep anywhere.

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