Final Fantasy VII returns after 23 years with a thrilling remake

The remake includes a fully voiced script

Final Fantasy VII Remake
Author: Anna Sky MagliolaPublished 7th Apr 2020

In a time when we're all spending a lot more time inside, Final Fantasy VII Remake could be just what you're looking for to entertain you.

From the opening moments of the game, it is easy to see why fans have been clamouring for 1997’s iconic role playing game to be given a revisit.

Huge power plants tower over the sprawling metropolis of Midgar as helicopters fly to the giant skyscraper in the very centre of the city. And as the camera flies past this soaring construction, we are soon following a train as it bustles through this neon cityscape, following a mysterious figure wielding a ridiculously huge sword.

Final Fantasy VII Remake

From the get-go, the story is fast, energetic and exciting, and these are themes the game design team have carried into the all new battle system.

Where originally, players could pore over their moves in a turn-based system of combat, now the game asks you to take direct control of one fighter, blocking, dodging and attacking in a frantic and adrenaline-pumping arcade-style slasher.

Truth be told, the more you get used to the updated battle system, the more you realise it is not quite so different to its source material. As you develop and discover new abilities you increasingly find yourself managing battling characters by queuing them up with a sequence of attacks and spells, and it is not long before you settle into a rhythm of fast-paced action, punctuated by moments of tactical planning.

Other clear upgrades to the game include the stunning new graphical presentation, a fully voiced script - with dialogue recorded for absolutely everything in the game - and the incredible orchestral soundtrack.

WATCH: Final Fantasy VII Remake - Final Trailer (PS4)

But this is all dressing for the most important thing, because at its heart, Final Fantasy VII Remake is every bit the hugely ambitious, cross-genre masterpiece the original game was.

This has got all the menu-digging tactical depth and fun exploration you’d expect from the original and it is still bursting at the seams with extra content. Arcade games, high-speed chase sequences, massively over-the-top boss battles and visually incredible spells, there is absolutely so much fun to be had with FFVII Remake.

And while the game may only stretch through Midgar, all the additions to the city and the adventure in it make this feel like a tighter, more focused and better realised version than ever experienced before.

If ever there was a game worth waiting 23 years for, this may just be it.

Now take a look at computer games that can keep you fit:

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Just Dance

Platform: Multi
Effectively the spiritual descendent of Dance Dance Revolution, the Just Dance series is now synonymous with fitness gaming. You don't have to know how to dance, you don't need to know that songs – you just need to shake what your mother gave you. Your heart will be pounding, you'll be sweating, and you won't even care. Even for the most reserved players, Just Dance is incredibly addictive. There are 40 songs included as standard, but if you subscribe to Just Dance Unlimited you'll have streaming access to over 400 additional songs.

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Ring Fit Adventure

Platform: Switch
Nintendo has done it again. By combining a mix of goal focussed adventure gameplay (i.e. beating a dragon) with well-executed and accurately tracked exercises, they've succeeded in bringing out one of the best fitness games of all time. The player takes part in cardio, strengthening and yoga exercises in order to progress through the game, which includes some fun battles, where the player attacks and defends using various exercises. For those looking for a more traditional workout, the Ring Fit Adventure also offers routines designed for specific fitness goals. The Switch's JoyCons are clipped into a leg strap and Nintendo Ring in order to capture the player's real-life movements accurately.

Beat Saber

Platform: Multi
Satisfying, exciting, addictive and physically exhausting, Beat Saber sees the player wield two virtual sabres which are used to swipe-smash oncoming blocks to the relentless and thumping tunes. When the swipes, dodges and blocks are chained together, it feels nothing short of epic, plus there's a battle mode to spice things up with a little competition. This is a good one for earning a decent workout without actually feeling like you're exercising.

Bonus: There's a tonne of extra music packs available, giving players access to music catalogues from Panic! At The Disco, Imagine Dragons, Green Day and more.

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Dance Central

Platform: Oculus
It's time to hit the club in the best way possible – without actually having to go to the club. Dance Central transports the player into the virtual dance club scene, allowing them to throw some choreographed shapes to chart-topping 'bangers' from the likes of The Chainsmokers, DJ Snake and Carbi B. While the player is busy absolutely nailing the 'Shoulder Shuffle' into 'Flexing' transition, the game will be counting up the calories burnt so when the party's over, they can see the results of their efforts. A real fun one.

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Superhot VR

Platform: Multi
Superhot VR isn't a fitness game, per se, but if you play it right it can certainly be a workout. The game is primarily an FPS where the player's movement controls time. As the player attempts to manoeuvre around levels, dodge bullets and karate chop bad dudes in the face, they'll be switching between flurries of movements and sudden position holds. This is effectively a home, gamer version of high-intensity interval training.

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Final Fantasy VII Remake will be out on Friday 10th April 2020.

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