Gary Barlow beats David Beckham to 'Celebrity Dad of The Year' title

He wins the award for a second time

Published 12th Jun 2015

Gary Barlow has been voted Celebrity Dad of The Year for the second time beating David Beckham to the title.

Barlow was hand-picked by the British public as the famous father they thought was doing the best job at balancing their parenting and celebrity lifestyle in the competition for 2015.

He said: “I’m absolutely made-up to have been voted Celebrity Dad Of The Year 2015 and I’d like to thank everyone who voted for me.

“I’ve got to be honest I’m always a bit dubious about awards - The Brits, Oscars...but Celebrity Dad of the Year get it right, and they've got it right twice now. I think 2012 and 2015 in particular the audience has spoken and they know what they want.”

The 44-year-old, who was also handed the award back in 2012, has three children with his wife Dawn – and fought off tough competition from the big names such as Simon Cowell, Robbie Williams, and David Beckham.

Click the image below to see our gallery of The Beckhams: Through The Years.

Other famous faces to make the Celebrity Dad Of The Year shortlist include Rio Ferdinand, Peter Andre, Marvin Hulmes, Prince William and Tom Fletcher.

Check out the full list of finalists:

Peter Andre Gary Barlow David Beckham Simon Cowell Rio Ferdinand Tom Fletcher Marvin Humes Dan Osborne Prince William Robbie Williams

Gary Barlow is currently on a UK tour with remaining Take That bandmates Mark Owen and Howard Donald.

However he has also become famed this year for a string of surprise wedding visits.

Check out what happened when the Take That star recently made an appearance at the wedding of a couple in Knowsley.

Photo Credit: PA Photos