Fast & Furious star Michelle Rodriguez eats mouse stewed in her urine

The latest victim of Bear Grylls

Published 12th Aug 2015

Fast & Furious and Lost actress Michelle Rodriguez truly pushed herself to the limit on the latest episode of US show Running Wild with Bear Grylls.

Devoid of anything to substantial eat or drink in the scorching Arizona desert, British survival expert came up with a completely vile idea for a food source, asking Michelle: “Urine mouse soup, have you never had it?”

41-year-old Bear told Michelle there “wasn’t enough water” to create the rodent broth and suggested the best way of cooking it was to use her own wee.


Coaxed on by Bear and putting I’m A Celebrity… contestants to shame, Michelle squealed as she bit into the urine doused mouse carcass.

Gamely she ate the mouse saying “it tastes like chicken” but said the worst bit was undoubtedly the wee which “has an ammonia thing going on and when you boil it…it doesn’t go away.”

Bear himself tried Michelle’s concoction and seemed far more repulsed with the results.


“‘I’ve finally found the thing that has broken me,” he said before saying it tasted worse than “raw goat testicles” and “camel’s intestinal fluids.”

The daredevil episode also saw Michelle jump out of a plane solo and abseil down a vertical rock face.

Zac Efron, Ben Stiller, Kate Winslet, Channing Tatum and Kate Hudson are among the celebs who have previously appeared on Running Wild with Bear Grylls.