Kezia Dugdale Names Scottish Labour Front Bench Team

Scottish Labour's new leader Kezia Dugdale has announced her front bench team.

Published 19th Aug 2015

Scottish Labour's new leader Kezia Dugdale has announced her front bench team, with key roles for former leader Iain Gray and rising star Jenny Marra.

Ms Dugdale, who was elected to lead the party on Saturday, unveiled 10 new appointments during a visit in Edinburgh.

Shiona McCallum reports:

The new gender-balanced team is a move away from shadowing Government ministers' portfolios.

Mr Gray, who led the party between 2008 and 2011, has been given the role of opportunity spokesman, taking in schools and childcare, while Ms Marra, who was first elected in 2011, is equality spokeswoman with responsibilities including health and welfare. Elsewhere, Graeme Pearson returns to the role of justice spokesman, following the departure of Hugh Henry from the front bench.

Jackie Baillie will continue to speak for the party on finance, with her appointment as public services and wealth creation spokeswoman also taking in infrastructure and business, while Sarah Boyack continues with the environment brief as environmental justice spokeswoman.

Ms Dugdale's leadership rival Ken Macintosh has been appointed as communities spokesman, covering housing and local government.

Claire Baker's role speaking on Europe and culture issues has been expanded to democracy spokeswoman, also taking in the constitution, while Mary Fee has been appointed as reform spokeswoman covering party and parliamentary reform.

Finally, Neil Bibby has been appointed as Ms Dugdale's chief whip and James Kelly continues as the party's business manager.

Junior members of the front bench team, as well as conveners of the Holyrood committees led by Labour, will be announced in the coming days.