Edinburgh is one of the happiest places to work in Scotland

Are you happy in your job?

Published 5th Oct 2016

Are you happy in your job?

Research conducted by professional networking website LinkedIn has revealed that 42% of workers in Edinburgh are happy in their job.

Ranked sixth overall in the UK 54% of workers in Edinburgh said that getting on with their colleagues is the most important factor followed by doing work that has a postive impact. Surprisingly salary came third in the survey with less than half of workers in Edinburgh saying it was the most important factor.

In the same survey 55% of Edinburgh professionals said they would willingly take a pay cut to be happier at work.

Danielle Restivo, Director of UK and Global Communications at LinkedIn said "Having a fulfilling job can have a big impact on overall happiness and success at work.

"It’s our mission to help professionals across the globe to find jobs that they love."

The research has also revealed that on average people stay in their job for 5.7 years which is a year less than the global average. Those classed as Generation X (45-54) are the most loyal staying with their current employer for 6.9 years on average, whereas those aged 16-24 stay for just 4.7 years.

Most Fulfilling places to work in the UK: 1. Brighton (48%) = 2. Glasgow and Leeds (45%) = 4. Manchester and Sheffield (43%) 6. Edinburgh (42%) =7. Birmingham and Southampton (41%) = 9. London, Liverpool and Cardiff (39%)

Are you happy in your job, or are you counting the minutes to the end of the day?