Edinbugh City Council E-mails Subject Of 'Cyber Attack'

Hackers have stolen 13,134 e-mail addresses in an attack the City Council are calling 'malicious'.

Published 7th Jul 2015

Hackers have stolen more than 13,000 e-mail addresses from Edinburgh City Council.

The local authority said everyone who has been compromised has been contacted, so if you are affected you should know about it by now.

They are assuring residents that the only data is e-mail addresses - no passwords have been affected, they don't have your bank details - so worst case, you may see an increase in spam.

A spokesperson for the City of Edinburgh Council said: "This was a malicious cyber attack on the Council’s website which is hosted in a UK data centre. It was dealt with swiftly and at no point were any Council services affected.

“We are contacting everyone who has been affected to inform them of the incident and offer them advice and support. We have reassured individuals that the only details that have been accessed are their e-mail addresses.

“The Information Commissioner’s Office has been informed and preventative measures have been taken by the web service providers.

“We want to reassure the public the ongoing security of our website is critically important, and we continue to work with our service providers to ensure that the risks associated with attacks are dealt with.”