Look up tonight! Mars appears closest to Earth for first time in 15 years

It hasn't been this close to us since 2003

Author: Paulo RossPublished 31st Jul 2018

It's an exciting few days for space watchers as Mars will be coming the closest it's been to Earth in 15 years.

If the clouds stay away stargazers in Northern Ireland should be able to catch a stunning glimpse of the red planet with the naked eye.

The next closest approach will be in October 2020, and the next super-close opposition will be in September 2035.

Do yourself a favor and get out there to see it for yourself. The planet should be bright enough to appear in the sky even in urban areas with light pollution.

Where do I look to see it?

Weather permitting, Mars will be visible low on the southwestern horizon, with the moon shining to the upper left. Saturn will also be visible.

From what time will Mars be visible?

Mars has been extra bright all month and will be at its closest to Earth between 11pm tonight and sunrise.

How close will it be to earth?

35.8 million miles away, not far. In terms of the universe that’s nothing.


Is tonight the only night Mars will be visible?

For those who want to stay in bed or just don't have the energy to go out and look up, the red planet will be visible in the night sky for the next few months.

Why is Mars red?

The red colour we see in images of Mars is the result of iron rusting. Rocks and soil on the surface of Mars contained a dust composed mostly of iron and small amounts of other elements such as chlorine and sulhpur. The rocks and soil were eroded by wind and the dust was blown across the surface by ancient volcanoes.