Westminster rejects Irish 'joint authority' bid

It comes as the Irish foreign affairs minister said direct rule from London cannot be imposed in Northern Ireland without Irish government input.

Press Eye
Published 6th Sep 2017

With no end in sight to the impasse at Stormont the British government has warned it may pass legislation to fund public services in Belfast.

But the Northern Ireland office has rejected suggestions made by the Irish Foreign Affairs minister that Dublin would have a part to play in the event of direct rule.

Powersharing talks are at a high-stakes stage and cannot continue for many more weeks. On Tuesday Simon Coveney said:

"The status quo is not sustainable in Northern Ireland.''

Dublin is under a legal obligation to be consulted on issues involving North/South co-operation under the 1998 Good Friday Agreement between the British and Irish governments.

Mr Coveney was in Belfast to try to kick-start powersharing at Stormont and said all parties wanted to see progress made.

But he reminded them while the negotiations continued Northern Ireland has no voice at the Brexit talks table.

Ministers have not sat at Stormont for seven months after the late Martin McGuinness resigned as deputy first minister in a row over the DUP's handling of a botched green energy scheme.

Since then a dispute over the status of the Irish language has been among the issues dividing the parties.

Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire has warned he may have to legislate for a Stormont budget if the deadlock continues.

Mr Coveney said there were still grounds for optimism and direct rule should still be avoided.

There can be no British-only direct rule.

That is the Irish Government's position.''

The 1998 Agreement bestowed a legal obligation on the Irish Government over North/South issues affecting Northern Ireland and the Republic.

Mr Coveney added: It would be very difficult to even contemplate how direct rule would function in that context.

We don't want to go there, it is not good for Northern Ireland, it is not good from the point of view of the government that I am a part of, it is not good from the point of view of the Government in London, everybody loses in that scenario.''

He said there was an opportunity cost for Northern Ireland as tough decisions needed to be made over funding for health and education.

Essentially Northern Ireland is in limbo at the minute because those decisions cannot be made, that is not a sustainable situation for many more weeks and that is why the stakes are very high now,'' he said.

He said he had no objection to a mediator but bringing somebody totally new into the talks when everyone else has such a detailed knowledge of the political complexities may not be helpful.

If the parties want that we will try to facilitate that but I think it is unlikely,'' he said.

But the idea was rejected outright by a UK Government spokesperson. In a statement issued on Tuesday night they said:

"The UK Government, along with the Irish government, is engaging intensively with the Northern Ireland parties to secure the reestablishment of inclusive, devolved government at Stormont, and the operation of all the institutions established under the Belfast Agreement. That is our clear objective and we are determined to succeed.

"Should this not prove possible, in the absence of devolved government, it is ultimately for the United Kingdom Government to provide the certainty over delivery of public services and good governance in Northern Ireland, as part of the United Kingdom. This is consistent with our obligations under the Belfast Agreement.

"We will never countenance any arrangement, such as Joint Authority, inconsistent with the principle of consent in the Agreement.