Warning over 'inevitable payback' for Xmas gatherings, as UK-wide plan announced

The relaxed travel rules should also ensure Father Christmas is able to visit NI on the 25th.
Author: Sarah MckinleyPublished 24th Nov 2020

Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales have united in their approach to Christmas coronavirus rules.

It comes amid concerns that without a unified covid-19 rules, many would be stranded away from home for festivities, at the end of an already difficult year.

The four nations have this evening (Tuesday) agreed to relax the travel rules in a window from December 23rd to December 27th.

In that five day period, three households will also be allowed to mix.

However, the Chief Medical Officer here has warned of an "inevitable payback'' in coronavirus infections as a result of easing restrictions over Christmas.

Dr Michael McBride said any relaxations would have an impact on hospital admissions, as he stressed the need for people to have a "careful'' Christmas.

Dr McBride added: "We just need to be mindful of the fact that this virus hasn't gone away for Christmas. It doesn't take any down time.

"It'll be there and it'll be there when we come together and it spreads best when we come together indoors.''


Here's the full joint statement from the Devolved leaders:

"As 2020 draws to a close, we recognise it has been an incredibly difficult year for us all.

"We have all had to make significant sacrifices in our everyday lives, and many religious and community groups have already had to change or forgo their customary celebrations to slow the spread of coronavirus and save lives.  

"This cannot be a ‘normal’ Christmas. But as we approach the festive period, we have been working closely together to find a way for family and friends to see each other, even if it is for a short time, and recognising that it must be both limited and cautious.  

"Even where it is within the rules, meeting with friends and family over Christmas will be a personal judgement for individuals to take, mindful of the risks to themselves and others, particularly those who are vulnerable.

"We need everyone to think carefully about what they do during this period, balancing some increased social contact with the need to keep the risk of increased transmission of the virus as low as possible.

"This is particularly important when considering those who are vulnerable, and before deciding to come together over the festive period we urge the consideration of alternative approaches such as the use of technology or meeting outside.  In this context, the four administrations have reached agreement on a single set of UK-wide measures to help people come together with their loved ones in a way that is as safe as possible.

"Today we have agreed that:  

  • Travel restrictions across the four administrations and between tiers will be lifted to provide a window for households to come together between the 23rd and 27th of December.  

-Up to three households can form an exclusive ‘bubble’ to meet at home during this period. When a bubble is formed it is fixed, and must not be changed or extended further at any point.  

-Each Christmas bubble can meet at home, at a place of worship or an outdoor public place, but existing, more restrictive rules on hospitality and meeting in other venues will be maintained throughout this period.  

"It is important that everyone respects and abides by the rules of each nation wherever they choose to spend the festive period. Where there are any variations in our approach, these will be communicated by each administration accordingly. Further guidance will be provided in due course.

"The winter holiday period is a time often spent with family and friends, with schools and offices closing and people travelling over the bank holidays. Many have already begun making their plans, and we are today providing clarity to help people make the right choices for them, and enjoy time with those closest to them while staying within the rules to protect us all."