Victims of abuse march at Stormont

Victims of abuse marched at Stormont on Monday to call for progress on victims' issues.

Published 24th Apr 2017

The campaigners launched a 30 page document detailing what they would like to see from Stormont politicians.

Progress has stalled on the Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry report which was published three months ago, due to the collapse of Stormont.

Margaret McGuckin, from the campaign group Savia, has called on MLAs and MPs to do more to help fellow victims like herself.

"Could they not get together in light of this very serious issue?" she said.

"There couldn't be anything more emotive or emotional, even hardened parties that are against each other.

"Could they not unite with each other just for this particular issue and let survivors have some respite?

"They say they're all in favour of , and very sympathetic to us, but let them show that sympathy towards us.

"Let them get their act together, show some remorse, sympathy and compassion and lease reunite and get the government up and running, even it's just for us for a starter."