Urgent plea for 250 foster families as number of children in NI care rises to record levels

Fostering Network charity says help is needed to find homes

Some 250 foster families are needed across Northern Ireland as it emerged more children than ever are in the local care system.

As a result, the Fostering Network is making an urgent plea for help.

The charity warns that without this “some children may find themselves separated from their brothers and sisters, living a long way from school or having multiple moves before finding a more permanent home.”

Director, Kathleen Toner said: "Fostering can be life-changing for both the child or young person being fostered and for the family that cares for them.

"Foster carers do something amazing on behalf of our society – making a real difference to a child’s life. On any given day in Northern Ireland there are around 2,400 children living with foster families who ensure that these children and young people experience the stability and security of a nurturing, loving home.

"We currently have the highest number of children in the care system since records began and the need for people to consider fostering has never been greater. We are calling on people who think they can change a child’s future to come forward this Foster Care Fortnight.”

The Fostering Network’s call for more foster families comes at the start of its annual Foster Care Fortnight TM campaign (13-26 May) which has the theme of #changeafuture, highlighting the positive impact foster care can have on fostered children’s futures and encouraging more people to come forward to foster.

Regina, a foster carer from Downpatrick, said: “Opening your heart and your home to a stranger is never easy, but it will be worth it. Totally!”

Anyone interested in fostering can visit thefosteringnetwork.org.uk to find out more, or they can follow the Foster Care Fortnight campaign using #changeafuture